As I sit on 16 July 2020 and try to grasp the impact of Covid-19 with all things socially distanced and the world in “lock down” I have a well of sadness in my heart as I have had to cancel my upcoming programs.  The hardest part was breaking the news to all those who believed in and who brought life and meaning to my work. Schools have closed and both my kids are home. Thankfully for the latter as this is my ray of sunshine. This sudden change is what has brought my little corner to life. So in the midst of the sadness and uncertainty I find myself thankful for the new opportunity and the belief that hope, faith and determination ignites growth. I have no idea who I am writing to, or what impact this may have on someone out there, if any. All I know is that sitting here I surrender to my life's purpose with my heart on my sleeve, trusting in the magic of new beginnings where from behind my keyboard, nothing yet everything feels right and pushing the publish button is like a breath of fresh air.