My husband and I are facing a really big decision – finding a new school for both our kids. Our criteria is simple, we want a school that will be an extension of the values we hold as a family.
We’ve been planning and putting our feelers out actively since mid-July, and of course we turned to part of our village for council, for help and for input. My husband’s mum gave us some great options to look into.
We stumbled upon a ‘visual gem’, and yesterday we were able to visit the school and meet with the team, which was a nice friendly experience. This first option shows promise and it was nice to see a pony grazing so peacefully just across the road from the school. The kids both had their need for clarity on certain things, for Miguel he needed to ask the Director of the school, “are the kids nasty at this school and is the school a big one or is it small”, and for Sofia she wanted to see the uniforms. Both of them were content with what they saw and heard and so, they went off merrily to play outside on the playground, while the adults got on with the adult conversation. After the meeting we felt like this is the one but we are also mindful of the bridge between hearing what the school has to offer and seeing how that translates into action.
So what was also great about this option is that our kids have the opportunity to join part of the school summer program which will give us an opportunity to get a real feel of the school in operation before we move ahead.
My heart is so overjoyed, I am so thankful because the environment of the school for our kids is a really big deal for us.
In preparation for our meeting, both my husband and I prepared and mentalized what we each needed clarity on from the school because we see things from such different yet complimentary perspectives.
My heart was delighted to hear my daughter say, “mama, I want to wear my rose dress instead for the meeting at the school because that dress is more fancy and this is an important occasion”. And yes she got to wear her rose dress because ‘duurrrr’ (lol), note to self mum, of course the dress you left on her bed was just not fancy enough for this important meeting.
Miguel was so happy, I could see a spring in his step, he only went to bed at 01h00am. Ok that was also partly because of his late nap, but also I could just see that he had so much going on in his little mind. A great first step in the direction of new schools.
And then, my Chief Advisor in Command aka baby sister, just did what she always does. Gently yet firmly she was once again my voice of reason.
Thank you husband, thank you children, thank you village for showing me once again that TEAM WORK really does count.
#blessed #thankful #newbeginings #love #teamwork