Inspired by the story of The Wind and The Sun. 

Reading/audiobook time yesterday with my son brought me to the story of The Wind and The Sun. A beautiful tale indeed to be told. It led me to imagine a world in which leaders, law makers, presidents, politicians, police officers, parents, and all people were less like the wind and more like the sun. What a beautiful sight indeed.

 In this "imaginary world" there was no need for #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd and #blacklivesmatter didn't need to exist because  #alllivesmattered  and as a result Kimberly Jones didn't have to express the outrage and ask the question, #HowCanWeWin  because the social contracts as described by Trevor Noah were naturally in  place.

Instead in this "imaginary world" Kimberly Jones chanelled her energy in writing many more wonderful books that inspired many young people to be a part of making a positive difference in our wonderful world and Trevor Noah just kept us all laughing. 

I come from a single mum, previously disadvantaged apartheid background in South Africa that typically ends up at the bottom of a centuries old vicious cycle of social, racial and phycological injustices so I understand first hand the ramifications of socially broken contracts and thus why the #HowCanWeWin video struck a cord with me personally. Today, however I want to share some #positivevibes. By holding that "imaginary world" in my consciousness I certainly got my day off to a good start ❤️.

Kelly Clarkson dares you to love. I dare you to go to this 'imaginary world' even if just for a moment and experience a place of true humanity and love. It's a place to behold

 Now I have to dash because my almost 5 year old son is dressing his shorts on his head and his T-shirt on his legs and is keen to tell me about his heart beat that he can feel going "grooo grooo" and about the treasure trove his papa is going to show him today... lol